Best TH11 Hog Attack Army Link 2022
How to: For TH11 GoHog Attack Strategy (Golem + Hog Riders), you will need a flame finger with hog riders in it. Start by deploying your flame finger in a corner (to create a funnel). Pay attention to defense that can hit your flame finger, choose a safe corner. Funnel your golem, heroes to get the enemy Queen and CC troops. The flame finger will destroy one side of the base. Use poison and freeze spells on enemy troops and defenses. Keep your heroes abilities for critical situations. Deploy the hog riders at the opposite end of your flame flinger. Make sure that the hog riders don't split and use your heal spells to keep them alive. Finally, deploy your clean up troops behind your hog riders and flame flinger. If you are asking your self, what troops should I use for TH11 ? Mass Hog riders is definitly a must try in 2022, it is not the most complicate attack and it can garanty you many 3 stars in War and CWL. The army composition link is available bellow. Good practice!