Find the best Clash of Clans army compositions for your attacks and copy them in the game with a link
Ballons (no heroes!)
How to: An attack strategy for when you don't have your hereos
Best TH9 Army Witch Slap 2022
How to: Here's the Witch Slap guide for town hall 9. First you need to create a funnel using witch healers on two sides, then deploy your killsquad at the center. Golem and skeletons will tank for your heroes, witches, bowlers. Now you just need to use your spells wisely to clear the base. It's one of the best and easiest strategy at TH9. Army composition copy link bellow :)
Good TH9 Army GoHoBo Attack Composition
How to: Welcome to this GoHoBo War Attack Guide. First create a funnel for your troops by using baby dragons. Once the funnel is ready, place your golem, bowlers and heroes. You must aim to take down enemy heroes and clan castle troops. Now deploy your Hog Riders from a side in ort they don't split. use heal spells to save hog riders from enemy defenses. Deploy clean up troops after hog riders in order to avoid timeout. You can find the army composition link bellow, enjoy :)
TH9 Attack Strategy 2022 - Super Archer
How to: Start with a Queen Walk, then once 25-30% of the base is destroy, place your Super Archer with healers. Use your king to tank and protect your Super Archers.
TH9 Attack Strategy - Zap Dragon Army
How to: Welcome in this guide for TH9 Zap Dragon War attack guide. Start by using spells to kill enemy queen and destroy air defense. After this, funnel your heroes in order to get to enemy CC troops & air defense. Use electro dragon to create funnel for your dragons. Rages electro dragon is too OP for town hall 9 base layout. Now funne your dragons by avoiding the air sweepers. Rage up your troops and freeze enamy defenses, take few archers so that they can help you clean up the base. You will find the copy link for this army composition bellow, enjoy!